So What's All The Hype With Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a medical grade exfoliation treatment. With similar goals as microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning is a resurfacing exfoliation trestment which we use a medical grade blade to lift the skin off the skin, rather than pulling or tearing motion like microdermabrasion.

Although both treatments are great, we like to assess the skin to see which option is most suitable.

We like to use Dermaplaning near me for more delicate skins, as we are able to gently lift away the skin cells. We can achieve a deeper exfoliation for delicate skins with minimal irritation or trauma to the skin. On the other hand. We may choose microdermabrasion for someone who has more textured, or thicker & more porous skin. These skin types are not suitable for Dermaplaning near me as the surface must be a smooth as possible to avoid any nicks from the blade.

What to expect during a Dermaplaning treatment.

Your skin care specialist will thoroughly analyze your skin and ensure that you are in fact a candidate for this treatment. She will then cleanse your skin, and make sure it is completely dry prior to starting.

She will carefully run the blade along your skin at a 45 degree angle, ensuring to complete the right amount of passes for your skin type and condition. on average we usually complete 8 passes in an upward direction. As the blade moves across the surface of your skin, vellus hair will also be removed in the process.

Vellus hair is the thin, clear tiny hairs or “fuzz” we may see or feel on our skin. Where as terminal hair is the darker pigmented hair. We always ask clients to remove any terminal hair they don’t want touched with blade, although we have never had an adverse reaction when it comes to the hair structure and characteristics changing.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning has many benefits aside from the obvious exfoliation, and gratification of soft baby smooth skin.

- Product will penetrate much more efficiently as the dead unresponsive skin cells are removed , and also because the vellus hairs are no longer capable of absorbing your product.

- Cell turn over will begin to increase as your skin works harder to replace the cells we have removed.

- Oxygenation will occur, as now the skin has an open exposure to the oxygen in the air. Oxygen is vital to skin health, and helps kill bacteria that can cause acne.

- A brighter complexion- dead or old skin cells can often give you a greyish, dull look to your skin. By removing the unwanted skin cells, along with the vellus hair, the skin will instantly appear brighter, as the light can easily and beautiful reflect off the smooth fresh skin.

What to expect after Dermaplaning

After you receive Dermaplaning near me, your skin will instantly look and feel plump and hydrated. It is important that after treatment you continue to hydrate your skin at home as often as possible. Until the skin rebuilds its natural barrier function, we will need to assist it by applying hydrating products and protective moisturizers.

Dermaplaning has become one of the most popular treatments at our clinic, and can be combined with so many other great ampules & treatments to enhance the results.

If your looking book a Dermaplaning near me treatment, please reach out to us and one of our GLO pros will be more than happy to assist you!

Melissa Kando