As much notice as possible is appreciated for any appointment changes. However, a minimum of 48 hours notice is required!

If you cancel in less than 48 hrs from your scheduled appointment, 20% of your treatment value will be charged as a cancellation fee, with a minimum of $50+ HST.

You will be required to provide us with your credit card information to confirm your appointment in your client intake form.

We reserve the right to cancel your appointment if we don't not receive your authorization within 48 hrs from booking your appointment. 

If you are late for your appointment, your service will be completed with the remaining time left, and the full payment is still due at check out. If you have missed the majority of your appointment, it will be considered a no-show, & the cancellation fee will apply.

Your understanding and courtesy towards others who have been patiently waiting for sooner appointment times is appreciated

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us

Phone: 905.605.GLO6

General Inquiries:

Follow us on Instagram: @glolaserandskinstudio